Archive | July 2014

I Survived Moving Day!

Well, it has certainly been a very very long day but a great one! With the help of my awesome family and my awesome church family, We were able to move every thing out of the old apartment, finish cleaning it up and unloading at the new apartment by noon, including unpacking some of the boxes and arranging furniture, etc. before going to the church for a wonderful lunch provided by some of the ladies in the church!  Later a few ladies came back to even unpack more stuff and put it away!  What a wonderful blessing they all are!  Praising God for every part of the day and for all the friends involved in it.  

So now it’s off to bed finally!  Good night all.   Hope to be back blogging soon!  Have a happy and blessed Lord’s Day!


9009787-man-running-with-several-boxes-in-the-backThis is pretty close to what the guys looked like this morning!  What a fast moving, strong bunch they are!  If you aren’t careful, these guys will run you over! 






Time moves quickly, but I am ready for it! An update.

Well in one more week MOVING DAY will be here and it does not seem that it is taking it’s sweet old time at all!  time is just racing along!  However I am ready for it amazingly!  Gotta love this new decorative style–Cardboard boxes and plastic containers!  Oh boy!  Such fun!


Other than a few odds and ends and necessary items for survival over this upcoming week, everything is packed and ready to go. Praise the Lord for giving me energy and strength each day to accomplish necessary tasks, and for blessing me with a wonderful friend who spent a good deal of time packing up a large part of my kitchen!  Now I have a week of cleaning and touching up nail holes where pictures and other decorative items had been hung

I am so excited about this move! Right from the beginning, the Lord has been smack dab in the middle of it all, before I even found my new place. Originally I had the idea of moving further south, to Tennessee, to get away from the cold Wisconsin winters. He soon showed me very clearly that He had other plans for me. He made it abundantly clear to me that for now, Wisconsin is where I need to be for many reasons.  Amazing how He does that, isn’t it?  As the Bible says in Jeremiah 29:11, “for I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil to give you an expected end.”.

When I called about looking at another apartment in the same complex, I immediately felt this was going to be the right move for me. I talked to the apartment manager for a few minutes and we quickly connected with each other as we have many things in common. She and I made an appointment for the very next day to see an apartment that had not yet been advertised even and meets my needs much better than other available ones. It is as close to perfect as one can get with an apartment in the right price range.

God was definitely the architect of this whole deal! I just love how He works things out for the good when we allow Him into our lives! He promises to always be there for us to orchestrate our lives.   Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

I humbly ask your prayers for a good week, for lots to get accomplished and for a good crew to help me move.  Thank you!   God bless you!

No I haven’t disappeared!

Just popping in to tell you all that other than trying to read a few blog posts as time permits, but very little writing, I have not really fallen off the earth.  Really!  I haven’t! 

I’m in the process of packing up for a move to a new apartment in a different town nearby so I have been kept pretty busy!    Moving day is coming up on July 26 , then I have to at least get the basic necessities done with settling in. 

I will be following as many blogs as I can so pelase do not think you are being ignored–you’re not!   Miss you all!   Have a blessed week!  Love you my friends! 


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1 Peter 5:6 Humble Yourself

Something I struggle with always, as do a lot of us! I know some people who truly are humble people, giving God the credit for everything they accomplish and they truly mean what they say. I admire them and strive to be like them!

Insights From Tom

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” 1 Peter 5:6

Right before this verse Peter talks to elders to willingly serve those under them and for the younger men to submit with humility to the elders. Now he tells everyone to be humble.

Humility is something that the world does not really like. People of the world like to be lifted up and honored and many will grab that honor whether or not it is deserved or given. The Army has the slogan of “be all you can be.” The world says do all you can do and be all you can be because you are #1.

Some Christians will go to the other end of the spectrum of saying that they can do nothing at all and are totally worthless. No matter what they do, they will always cut themselves…

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Happy 21st Birthday to a Sweet Granddaughter

I am so blessed to have two very beautiful granddaughters and one of them has hit a milestone birthday today, July 10th!  21 years old!   I can hardly believe it!  Where have the years gone? 

The poem above only tells a small part of the lovely young woman she has become.  I wish you could all know Marianne.  She is such a blessing to everyone she comes in contact with.  She is smart, witty, kind, and so very strong in her faith of the Lord Jesus.   This precious young girl has brought so much pleasure to my life and she has taught me many things.  She is a precious gift in this grandmother’s eyes!   

Marianne, I wish you the very best birthday and as you embark upon this new stage in your life, may God answer all of your prayers, make all of your dreams come true. I look forward to seeing where your life takes you! 

I love you sweet Marianne!   I am so proud to be your Grandma!   Happy Birthday! 

Numbers 6:24-26(KJV)

24 The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:

25 The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:

26 The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

The Giggle of the Week

This is so cute I hsd th share it!

My Good Time Stories

GiggleSome boy scouts from the city were on a camping trip. The mosquitoes were so fierce, the boys had to hide under their blankets to avoid being bitten. Then one of them saw some lightning bugs and said to his friend, “We might as well give up. They’re coming after us with flashlights.

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Let Freedom Ring!!! Happy Birthday USA!!


July 4, 2014 — 238 years ago today, a group of very brave men gathered together in Philadelphia to sign the document that noted the birth of the United States of America, after spending much time in thought and prayer and consultation with people from the 13 colonies.    Praise God for the men who had the courage to declare our independence from British rule and all those who fought a long war, giving their lives so that we might have so many precious freedoms in the greatest country in the world!

I came across a quote from one of our founding fathers,   “My God!  How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of, and which no other people on earth enjoy!  ~Thomas Jefferson.   I wonder what Thomas Jefferson would be saying now, 238 years later, about how we seem to take our freedoms for granted and ignore the things going on in the government that threaten to take away those freedoms that have been fought for many times over the past two centuries.  I pray that we wake up soon and open our eyes to the events of our times and what is happening to our freedoms.   We see people being told the American flag cannot be flown in some neighborhoods because it might be found offensive by people from other countries!   A high school that has banned the flag from being flown at their school because it was deemed “incendiary and disrespectful”.  What??  Since when would a country’s flag be considered an inflammatory and disrespectful device?    

I could go on and on with the events that I find disturbing and very threatening to our freedom as citizens, as I’m sure you could as well, but I won’t.  We know what they are and we need to speak up and let our feelings be known.   We need to vote for candidates who share our values and remind them of the values our wonderful country was founded on–Judeo-Christian principles, God’s word, despite what some may think.   A little quote I read in a devotional book Our Daily Bread, says “Our greatest strength comes from dependence on our strong God”, that same God who our forefathers relied on 238 years ago!   As it says in John 15:5, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”     

Also in II Corinthians it says Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. (NIV)

Enjoy the wonderful birthday celebrations of our country and remember our forefathers and the freedoms they fought for!

And I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I won’t forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
~Lee Greenwood
