Fun in the Mom Cave, aka Sewing room

Well now the holidays are over and the gifts have been opened and I am happy to report that my efforts in the Mom Cave were successful.   Lots of happy recipients!   I had such fun making the gifts and having a stress free Christmas in the process.   Much thanks to my sister Nancy for motivating me and reminding me how much fun it can be to be quilting and sewing again!

Thought I would share pictures of the things that I made that kept me away from the blogs for a while since they have now been gifted and are no longer a secret!    Hope you enjoy seeing them!


table toppers


wall hanging and table mat




another rag quilt for my son-in-law


and a rag quilt for my daughter


pillows for my granddaughter with fabric from her Dad’s birth country of Laos. She was thrilled to have them!


Another quilt for daughter-in-law.


table topper( I made four of these altogether!

IMG_20141225_072605284 This is my silly son, putting his rag quilt over his head when I was going to take the picture!   lol

I think you can get the idea of why I had so much fun and why I had very little time for blogging since Thanksgiving.    Can’t wait to get going on the next projects!  Lots of ideas!   I am so thankful that God blessed me with the ability and desire to create things with my hands and sewing machine and the myriad of other sewing tools.  I love giving gifts that I have put a part of myself into, whether it be in creating a handmade item or finding just the perfect gift that I know will be a blessing to the recipient.  What a joy it is to me to see a person enjoy what they have received.   Making others happy—a great gift from God that I never want to lose sight of.

2 Corinthians 9:7  ESV

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

I hope everyone had a very wonderful Christmas season with many blessings!

10 thoughts on “Fun in the Mom Cave, aka Sewing room

  1. Beautiful work, Elaine. Since my wife also makes lots of things herself I appreciate how much work and love goes into each item. But the smiles are all worth it. God Bless your talent and gifts.

  2. Beautiful work Elaine. I can now see why you have been off from the blogging world for some time. The joy is that your effort was appreciated. I thank your sister for the encouragement because the bible says that, ”Iron sharpens Iron”. May the blessings and joy of 2015 never depart from you and yours in the name of Jesus Christ. If I may ask Elaine, have you heard of Skye? I sent her an email but no response because it is quit a long time that I did not read any of her comment to any blog neither any post from her.

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