
Loyal Reader Award


I am a very new blogger, just trying to learn about blogging and journal some of my thoughts and prayers, as well as share others stories by reblogging.  I have a great time reading others’ blogs with the stories, poetry, helpful information, devotions etc.  They have all been a real blessing to me!

As a new blogger I was very surprised and very honored to be given this award by Coach Muller!  His blog is Good Time Stories,  I encourage you to check it out!  I am sure you will enjoy what you find there and want to return over and over again.

Thank you Coach Muller!


Here are some of the people / pages that I think are great nominations for this award along with the rules of acceptance:

1. Display this award on your blog.

2. Thank the person who sent it to you.

3. Answer a rhetorical question of the authors choosing.

4. Send on the award to everyone you consider a loyal reader.


The Question: If I am a tree, will I become a book or furniture?

My Answer:  A book so I could entertain people, teach children to read, educate people and share the word of God with others.


My List of Award Nominees   Alastair’s Blog  The Devotion Cafe  JustJohn

“Always Here If You Need Me” award


This blog award is for those bloggers out there who are especially caring and loyal to their friends. It was awarded to me by dear sweet friend Skye at who so sweetly added me to her list of nominees. What a wonderful surprise. Skye you are a blessing to me always and I am proud to be your friend. I treasure your friendship and your encouragement as I further my walk with the Lord. Thank you so much for the words you said about me. Love you my friend!

“Elaine is new to blogging, but we are not new to each other. She is a dear friend and a special woman. She supports me and every word I write. Growing in her knowledge and love of the Lord, she is blogging her journey as it progresses. I look forward to watching your relationship with Jesus grow, Sweetie!!”

Post a picture of the award somewhere on your blog.
List five things that make you happy.
Choose 5 people to nominate who have been a virtual shoulder to cry on, checked in on you when they knew things were rough, or has always been there for you.
Comment on their blogs to thank them and let them know you nominated them.

Things that make me happy:

1. My relationship with Jesus Christ and growing in the knowledge of Him more and more every day. (copied that from you Skye. Hope you don’t mind)
2. My family and close friends who I love dearly, especially my two beautiful granddaughters who bring such joy to my life.
3. Learning about blogging and reading some of the blogs here. There will be more I will follow I am sure. I wasn’t born with a gift of writing but I enjoy the process of writing my thoughts.
4. Music – I enjoy listening to many kinds of music and it brings peace to my world.
5. My church family, especially my Pastor and his wife, who are always ready and willing to be an encouragement as I and others grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ and are always willing helpers when anyone is in need.

Being so new to blogging, I will hold off on nominating others until another time when I get to read more of their blogs and others blogs,

Thank you again Skye! You are truly a bright spot and a blessing in my life. 🙂