Archive | November 2014

Thanksgiving Thoughts, Simple Thoughts

Psalm 95 1 2 310904561Ahhh  Thanksgiving is upon us!  One of my favorite holidays.  A time to give thanks for all the wondrous blessings we have, though we should be thanking God every day for what He gives us.  Thanksgiving does have a way of reminding all of us of what we are thankful for.

What am I thankful for this year?  As with every day of every year, I am first and foremost thankful for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ for His love and His provision and for what He sacrificed in order that we might have Salvation.  He did this for me and for you as well, even though we do not deserve it.

I am also thankful every day of my life for those people in my life whom I love–my children, grandchildren, siblings and extended family, dear friends and church family.   I am so blessed by all of them!  Thank you Lord for placing each of them in my life to share my life’s journey.

I certainly can’t neglect mentioning the new people I have had the opportunity to meet because of events that have taken place this year.   I have been blessed with a new apartment to live in that more than meets my needs.  I’ve had the opportunity to get to know a few of my lovely neighbors who are a blessing to me.    The Lord also made it possible for one of my sisters to come visit me for a week and for us to share our love of sewing and quilting by going to a major quilt show, as well as allowing me the ability to travel to her home where we further shared a lot of fun and laughter and a trip to a sewing retreat.  We met many wonderful people there and made some new acquaintances who are a real blessing!

So, this Thanksgiving season I will be praising God for the blessings I mentioned already, as well as the blessings of being alive and walking with the Lord every day of my life and for his provision of everything I need in my life.  He knows my needs and meets them, as well as adding in a few of my wants as well!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of the people in my life, family, friends, fellow bloggers who I consider to be friends as well!  God bless you all!  What are you thankful for this year?   I hope you will all share!


Happy Veteran’s Day 2014!

52435-veterans-day-quotes-of-inspirationveterans-day-2014Our veterans and current military are among the true heroes—not the latest quarterback to win a game, not an actor or singer or any other of the celebrities who get overly honored by the press. Our veterans are the unsung heroes. Happy Veteran’s Day from a grateful citizen who honors you for all the sacrifices you have made for our country. God bless you  and be with you all!   THANK YOU!!!!!

John 15:13

“Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.”

Deuteronomy 31:6  “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Story for a Sunday Morning

This story really touched my heart and I felt I must share it with others. Thank you, Don, for sharing it with us this morning!

Life Project Blog

I heard this little story a while back, and I thought I’s share it with you today…

Bobby had Down  syndrome.  His parents always took him to church on Sundays, and Bobby was in the third grade Sunday School class, but he had problems fitting in with the other boys and girls.  Third graders can be cruel when a child is different, and despite the best efforts of the teacher, Bobby was the butt of many unpleasant comments from the other children.

One day in early spring,  a day when the sun was shining and the birds were singing outside, the teacher took the class out doors.  She had a box of big eggs, the kind of big plastic eggs that nylons come in, and gave an egg to each child and told them to find something the symbolizes the new birth of spring and put it inside their egg.

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